We recommend that you use filtered water in your water tank. The instruction manuals may provide more specific information, about use of water filters - eg "INTENZA" or "AQUA CLEAN" water filters. Water filters can be purchased separately on our website. Water is a crucial part of every coffee, so it is very important to have it filtered and the machine descaled regularly.
Note :
We would like to advice as follows:
[1] Internal filters can be more expensive than the regular filters that you use in filter jugs
[2] You know the water in your water best, and you already may have a method of filtering and purifying your water. If your kettle is not furring up, that is a good indication that your water does not have scaling properties and therefore you may not need a filter, except to purify the water of any chemicals and other particles.
[3] Customers who use filters in the tank, sometimes forget to change them on time, and this can cause more problems as carbon particles can seep through into the machine.
Even if you are using Filters or Water from a filtered source, it is important to regularly carry out the descaling process.
We recommend that you use filtered water in your water tank. The instruction manuals may provide more specific information, about use of water filters - eg "INTENZA" or "AQUA CLEAN" water filters. Water filters can be purchased separately on our website. Water is a crucial part of every coffee, so it is very important to have it filtered and the machine descaled regularly.
Note :
We would like to advice as follows:
[1] Internal filters can be more expensive than the regular filters that you use in filter jugs
[2] You know the water in your water best, and you already may have a method of filtering and purifying your water. If your kettle is not furring up, that is a good indication that your water does not have scaling properties and therefore you may not need a filter, except to purify the water of any chemicals and other particles.
[3] Customers who use filters in the tank, sometimes forget to change them on time, and this can cause more problems as carbon particles can seep through into the machine.
Even if you are using Filters or Water from a filtered source, it is important to regularly carry out the descaling process.
Following are the links for the cleaning products :
Gaggia Liquid Descaler
Puly Descaling Powder
Note :
Avoid using descalers which are not recommended, especially descalers which are meant for 'open element machines' such as kettles, filter coffee machines or washing machines. as these can cause problems for your machine.
Gaggia Liquid Descaler
Puly Descaling Powder
Note :
Avoid using descalers which are not recommended, especially descalers which are meant for 'open element machines' such as kettles, filter coffee machines or washing machines. as these can cause problems for your machine.
Priming Your Manual Coffee Machine:
Priming involves running (pumping) water through the steam pipe and through the Brew head:
Press the coffee button and open the steam wand to send water through the steam pipe for 6-8 seconds. Close the steam knob (while the pump is still running), this will send water through the brew head. Water should flow freely if the machine is working correctly. If the flow is poor or non-existent, then there may be a blockage (see below reasons for blockage) in your brew head valve (or solenoid valve in the pre-2015 models).Priming can be carried out as frequently as possible. In any case it is essential that you do this procedure whenever you finish steaming milk. When you finish steaming milk, the boiler is starved of fresh water, and by priming the machine you are effectively filling fresh water into the boiler and also purging any air that is in the system.
Reasons for the Flow to be poor or non-existent :
1. Blocked Basket :There are two types of baskets. The newer models have perfect crema baskets which have two layers. One layer with lots of tiny holes and bottom layer with one tiny hole. The tradition basket has only one layer and containes lots of tiny holes. If you hold it against the light you can see through them (like a mesh).
Coffee oils can build up over time and block the holes. On perfect crema baskets it can settle in between the two layers and become difficult to clean. We recommend usigng a degreasing agent, eg. Puly degreasing poweder or tablets, especially on perfect crema baskets.
2. Blocked Shower Disc
Shower discs also get blocked with coffee oils and need degreasing, similar to the baskets.
3. Blocked Shower Holding plate (on pre-2015 Classics, Baby and Evolution, Tebe and Paros)
These need to be removed and degreased regularly.
4. Blocked Solenoid : On the older model of the Gaggia Classic and the other older models there are solenoid valves fitted to the boiler, inside the machine. Solenoid Valves can get blocked with scale or any debris from the water flowing through. As the valve has have narrow passages, they can easily get blocked, especially in hard water areas. Regular descaling of the machine and regular priming can improve the flow and keep the passages clear.
In addition to descaling, you should regularly degrease the machine. Degreasing removes coffee oils from the brewing unit and dispensing channels. This can improve the performance of the machine and also improve the taste of your coffee. Please watch our videos to learn more
We recommend the following to degrease your machine :
Puly Degreasing Tablets
It is important to lubricate brewing units on automatic machine. Brewing units on our automatic machines are removable. These need to be removed and cleaned [rinsed] once a week. After 500 coffees or every three months, you should also use the lubricant to lubricate the brewing units, giving particular attention to slides on the side of the brewing units, gearing wheels and also the piston that tamps the coffee.
There are some videos on our website about cleaning and lubricating. It wil be good to watch those videos :
Lubricating an Automatic Brew Unit
Unblocking Solenoid Valve-Classic and Baby
Gaggia Classic Priming
Unblocking a Gaggia Brera
Gaggia Brera Descaling Sign
Gaggia Anima Descaling
Cleaning and Descaling
Brewing Unit Deep Cleaning
Degreasing a Manual Machine
Degreasing Gaggia Naviglio Automatic Machine
Degreasing an Automatic Machine
Lubricating an Automatic Brew Unit
Accademia Cleaning Video Review
Clogged Grinder - Anima
Grinder - Brera
Gaggia Classic Priming
Gaggia Classic Post 2015 - Removing Valve
Accademia Carafe Cleaning
Gaggia Classic 2019 and Pre 2015 - Maintenance
Gaggia Naviglio Cappuccinotore
Taking out a Brewing Unit for Cleaning
Cleaning Milk Carafe - Part 1
Cleaning Milk Carafe = Part 2
Magenta Cleaning Video Review
We are available on zoom as well, if you need any help.
To connect on Zoom during week days, please go to
Priming Your Manual Coffee Machine:
Priming involves running (pumping) water through the steam pipe and through the Brew head:
Press the coffee button and open the steam wand to send water through the steam pipe for 6-8 seconds. Close the steam knob (while the pump is still running), this will send water through the brew head. Water should flow freely if the machine is working correctly. If the flow is poor or non-existent, then there may be a blockage (see below reasons for blockage) in your brew head valve (or solenoid valve in the pre-2015 models).Priming can be carried out as frequently as possible. In any case it is essential that you do this procedure whenever you finish steaming milk. When you finish steaming milk, the boiler is starved of fresh water, and by priming the machine you are effectively filling fresh water into the boiler and also purging any air that is in the system.
Reasons for the Flow to be poor or non-existent :
1. Blocked Basket :There are two types of baskets. The newer models have perfect crema baskets which have two layers. One layer with lots of tiny holes and bottom layer with one tiny hole. The tradition basket has only one layer and containes lots of tiny holes. If you hold it against the light you can see through them (like a mesh).
Coffee oils can build up over time and block the holes. On perfect crema baskets it can settle in between the two layers and become difficult to clean. We recommend usigng a degreasing agent, eg. Puly degreasing poweder or tablets, especially on perfect crema baskets.
2. Blocked Shower Disc
Shower discs also get blocked with coffee oils and need degreasing, similar to the baskets.
3. Blocked Shower Holding plate (on pre-2015 Classics, Baby and Evolution, Tebe and Paros)
These need to be removed and degreased regularly.
4. Blocked Solenoid : On the older model of the Gaggia Classic and the other older models there are solenoid valves fitted to the boiler, inside the machine. Solenoid Valves can get blocked with scale or any debris from the water flowing through. As the valve has have narrow passages, they can easily get blocked, especially in hard water areas. Regular descaling of the machine and regular priming can improve the flow and keep the passages clear.
In addition to descaling, you should regularly degrease the machine. Degreasing removes coffee oils from the brewing unit and dispensing channels. This can improve the performance of the machine and also improve the taste of your coffee. Please watch our videos to learn more
We recommend the following to degrease your machine :
Puly Degreasing Tablets
It is important to lubricate brewing units on automatic machine. Brewing units on our automatic machines are removable. These need to be removed and cleaned [rinsed] once a week. After 500 coffees or every three months, you should also use the lubricant to lubricate the brewing units, giving particular attention to slides on the side of the brewing units, gearing wheels and also the piston that tamps the coffee.
There are some videos on our website about cleaning and lubricating. It wil be good to watch those videos :
Lubricating an Automatic Brew Unit
Unblocking Solenoid Valve-Classic and Baby
Gaggia Classic Priming
Unblocking a Gaggia Brera
Gaggia Brera Descaling Sign
Gaggia Anima Descaling
Cleaning and Descaling
Brewing Unit Deep Cleaning
Degreasing a Manual Machine
Degreasing Gaggia Naviglio Automatic Machine
Degreasing an Automatic Machine
Lubricating an Automatic Brew Unit
Accademia Cleaning Video Review
Clogged Grinder - Anima
Grinder - Brera
Gaggia Classic Priming
Gaggia Classic Post 2015 - Removing Valve
Accademia Carafe Cleaning
Gaggia Classic 2019 and Pre 2015 - Maintenance
Gaggia Naviglio Cappuccinotore
Taking out a Brewing Unit for Cleaning
Cleaning Milk Carafe - Part 1
Cleaning Milk Carafe = Part 2
Magenta Cleaning Video Review
We are available on zoom as well, if you need any help.
To connect on Zoom during week days, please go to